Sunday, October 2, 2011

It's me, Zeno!

Who is Zeno?

Muhammad Farid Zeno is my full name. Everyone usually call me Zee or Zeno. I am Indonesian student who received StuNed Scholarship for studying at University of Twente, the Netherlands. I accomplished my Bachelor of Education from State University of Jakarta in 2007. I took Management of Education major in Faculty of Educational Science. I did my bachelor thesis on the implementation of educational management information system (EMIS) in order to enhance total quality service (TQS) in senior high school level. Now, I am currently working as government official since 2007. I am working as Training Administrator for Technical Education and Training at State Secretariat of the Republic of Indonesia. My job task is to administer training and education for government employee in order to enhance high qualified human resources. In detail, I do training needs assessment (TNA), analyzing and planning the curriculum, providing learning materials and supports, and calculating for education and training budget.

Why I am interested to Pedagogies for Flexible Learning supported by Technology course?

I enrolled this course not only to earn more European Credits (EC) in order to attain Master of Science degree in CIMA program.  I could not find this interesting course in my previous study. I think it is so interesting for me since this course offer really specific objective how pedagogies for flexible learning supported by technology. Besides, I am really interested to study and explore in-depth about flexible learning. Related to my professional background in training and education center, providing flexible learning for the government employees in Indonesia is a must. They have to work from Monday to Friday, from 8 in the morning until 4 in the afternoon. It is really not suitable to conduct education and training program during the weekend. Thus, I expect to learn how to design an appropriate flexible education and training in this course. In my prior opinion, providing flexible learning experience for them could enhance human resources quality without bother their working time and responsibilities as government employees.

Furthermore, I also expect to learn how technology innovation in education could support that flexible learning. I assume that technology support (e.g. learning management system (LMS), e-learning, m-learning, digital learning environment (DLE)) can be an answer to provide suitable flexible learning experience. I need to discover the uses of technology support in this context. It because based on my profession experience technology supports are provide, but It was not used appropriately in enhancing flexible learning. Moreover, I also expect that this course can be a fundamental understanding for my research thesis. I plan to do my master thesis in exploring technology acceptance of school, teacher, and student in order to integrate technology in their teaching and learning process based on Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) from Davis, et al. (1989).

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